Francisco Riaño

Best Books about Innovation and Entrepreneurship

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The Best Books about Innovation and entrepreneurship

  1. The Innovators Dilemma: Written by Clayton Christensen, one of the most recognized academics focused on innovation and strategy. This book presents us a different concept of what innovation means. First it highlights the difference between incremental innovation and disruptive innovation, the first is about innovations whose real impact is in the short term, incremental innovation is focused on the current market and in the best consumers, so it seeks to improve existing products or services through the addition of new features or just improving the existing ones. On the contrary, disruptive innovation, seeks to create new markets through the elaboration of new  products or services, that at the beginning seems to have a terrible performance compared with the existing ones, however, along the time, this products or services positioned themselves as a more affordable solution for more users.

  2. The Innovator´s DNA: Also written by Christensen with the collaboration of Hal Gregersen and Jeff Dyer, The Innovator´s DNA brings us, based on scientific research, some determined points which allow us to understand better the fundamental capabilities that characterized the most innovative leaders. These skills are: associating, questioning, observing, networking and experimenting. It also gives us a broad analysis of the most innovative companies and some real cases too.

  3.  Unleashing the Innovators: This amazing book, written by Jim Stengel (former global marketing chief of P&G) and Tom Post, helps us to understand better how to build entrepreneur and innovative ecosystems. The book presents several cases with some fundamental key in common: the associations or connections between the traditional corporations, and the novel startups. The main idea behind it, is how these connections can take the better of both parties, the position of the traditional corporations in the current markets, which allows to implement business projects quicker and more efficient, and the autonomy of the startups which works as an engine to create and carry out disruptive ideas.

  4. The Innovator’s Solution: While the Innovator´s Dilemma propose the “problem” that are faced by large firms, the Innovator´s Solution present its alternative. In this new work, Christensen presents us interesting concepts such as: jobs to be done, emergent strategy, modular architecture or “good” money and “bad” money, in order to understand how large firms can adapt better, avoiding to be disrupted by new players.

  5. Blockchain Revolution: Blockchain undoubtedly is one of the most interesting new technologies due to its capabilities to decentralize and democratize several industries and fields. In this book Don Tapscott, and his son Alex, tell us the basic and technical concepts behind Blockchain, as well, its application far beyond the financial industry.  This work is mandatory to read if you want to learn how Blockchain could change several aspects in our daily lives in the future.

  6. Blue Ocean Strategy: Written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, both professors at INSEAD. This book is focused on innovation from a strategic approach. The book is divided in two main parts. The first one, which is called “The Blue Ocean Leadership” talks about direction to innovate in corporative environments, it details about all capabilities required by leaders to deploy a successful culture to propel innovation within teams. The second one, personally the most interesting part of the book, talks about the specific traps, that have to be frequently faced by firms in the market, which foster stagnancy and comfort zone for the different companies, these are called “Red Ocean Traps”.