Francisco Riaño

What are the best online courses about marketing

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What are the best online courses about marketing

According to my experience here are some courses that I recommend to take if you want to expand your knowledge about marketing matters.

Undoubtedly, in the current circumstances, one of the skills that has to be burnish the most by marketing professionals is the data analysis. So, let’s start with some courses about this topic that I have taken and therefore I recommend.

The first course that I really recommend is the one hosted in Edx Platform. Is called Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Excel. In this course you will learn how to use Excel but mainly its complements Power Pivot and Power Query in order to deal with tons of data. You will discover that it is completely possible to seize the versatility and friendly interface of Excel with loads of bytes of data without any problem. So, if you complain about Excel and its inability to endure plenty of data, think about it twice because with these complements and with the course that is no longer a problem anymore. The course is taught directly by a Microsoft engineer. 

The next course really recommended by me is Master in SQL Server: From 0 to Professional Level (In Spanish: Master en SQL Server: Desde Cero a Nivel Professional). The unique weakness of this course is that it is in Spanish, however it has everything any professional needs to get the fundamentals of SQL Server. It could be very useful for several professional approaches, it could be taken by data engineers, data analyst, BI analyst, among others.

In the strategy field the best course that I have taken is called Disruptive Strategy. This course is offered by the e-learning platform of Harvard University. The course is not free, actually it is quite expensive, however I enjoyed a lot because it gives a whole perspective about how to innovate from a strategic approach. This course changed on me my way to see what innovation means and also gave me a new mindset about business strategies. The whole course is quite interesting however I recommend special attention to the Jobs to be Done module because it helps us to get a new perspective about customers decisions.

Going back to the data field, there is two courses that I have taken from the same platform and I really want to recommend them. The platform is called Data 365. The first course that I really recommend in this platform is the one regarding Git and GitHub. It is a short course however it covers the main and fundamental topics and features about the version control. The second is a course focused on APIs and Web Scraping techniques based on python, although is an advanced topic, the way that it is explained really helps even for the beginner audience.

Anyway, it is also important to consider not just the quantitative but also qualitative approach regarding business issues. For this reason, the next course that I would like to recommend is one with focused on the qualitative approach of the customers and how to innovate from there, its name is Managing Innovation and Design Thinking. I recommend this course because it provides the student a new mindset about what creativity means, how can we develop a framework based on creativity and also what is and how could be implemented the design thinking in different contexts.

In my opinion these courses could be important drivers to propel your career as marketing analyst. In marketing is quite important to get a good balance between creativity and intuitive thinking, with analytical and technical skills, therefore I consider that this set of online courses could be a good complement in order to get this balance and thrive as a marketing analyst. 

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