Francisco Riaño

Go to Market Strategy: What is and how to implement it in a B2B context

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Go to Market Strategy: What is and how to implement it in a B2B context

Any company has to develop a Go to Market Strategy (GTM) to commercialize and distribute its products or services, but what exactly is a GTM plan? Well, in this post we will see it and also how to implement it successfully

A GTM strategy, basically is the planning which allow us to draw the route or path since the production of the good or service, going by its distribution and until the product or service is exhibited and subsequently purchased by the customer and/or consumer.

A GTM strategy helps us to be more efficient in the distribution and commercialization of the products and services. A well planned and executed GTM program allows to get an important market share, reduce waste and cost and build stronger relationships with customers based on the fulfilment of their requests. There are some kinds of variables that are important to bear in mind, in order to develop an attractive strategy and to segment the customers, these types of variables are:

  • Administrative and economic
  • Geographic
  • Marketing and channel
  • Logistic

Each of these variables allows us to segment our customers in order to understand them better, basic features such as geo-localization, purchase behavior or customer structure are fundamental to organize them in cluster and therefore apply on them the correct strategic parameters. Such important parameters to develop the GTM plan are:

  • Pricing
  • Offers
  • Deliver and attention times and frequencies
  • Collection times and account receivable policies.

All these variables and parameters are very important because is clear that is not the same to deal with a customer located in a city with a high volume of purchases than with a customer ubicated in a suburb or rural zone with a lower volume of purchases.